Tool – Releases a new song.
This is Tool’s first new song in almost 13 years. The 10 min debut is the title track for the new album set to be released August 30th. You can hear some of the Tool standards in this track. From the tribal drum rhythmic intro to Maynards soft, then heavy as the song progresses, to the final one-note pounding that is classic Tool.
I would say this is a pretty good indication that Tool is… Tool. It is everything I was expecting from Tool, new or old. All and all it sounds good. Not as good as say a David Bottrill produced album, but hey it still sounds great.
The riffs are huge, drums epic, bass innovative and brilliant, and the vocals.. unique and elegant.
Available here
You may remember our report from a few weeks ago when Tool started to debut new material live. Hinting at what might be the follow up to 10, 000 Days.
It seems that the new album may be underway with some songs to kickstart the album sales. How does a band from the 90’s survived this long in an age of digital downloads?